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Prof Subodh Dave
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Dr Jinal Patel, Research Associate 

Junior Doctor, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust


​Jinal graduated from Imperial College London, where she obtained a First-Class Honours degree (BSc) in Neuroscience and Mental Health in 2016 and worked closely with faculty to improve student mental health as the President of Psychiatry Society. She was a Pathfinder Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists from 2016-2019. Jinal has extensive research experience in psychiatry, and has presented at multiple conferences. She’s interested in medical education, student and physician mental health, working with underserved and minority populations, and consultation-liaison psychiatry.

Dr Deepa Bagepalli Krishnan, Honorary Treasurer
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Dr Kiera Ajagun-Roberte, Research Associate 

Junior Doctor, Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Kiera was elected as one of this years Royal College of Psychiatrists Foundation Fellows. She is passionate about mental health, with her interest igniting during university and strengthened by her own lived experience of mental illness. At university, she undertook a student selected component in Gender Dysphoria/Transgender Health and an elective at Arnold Lodge, a medium secure unit in Leicester. In addition, she took 9 months out of university in her final year to work as an HCA in a low secure unit in Nottinhamshire. She describes this as an incredibly challenging, enlightening and humbling experience that further fuelled her curiosity. 

Dr Sridevi Sira Mahalingappa- Honorary Secretary

Dr India Lunn, Research Associate 

Junior Doctor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


India is currently a FY2 doctor and Psychiatry Foundation Fellow in Sheffield.  She has a particular interest in older adults mental health and is currently involved in research at Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience on a project about digital tools to monitor cognitive impairment.  


Dr Rahul Mehta, Research Associate 

Junior Doctor, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust


Rahul is a FY2 doctor and Psychiatry Foundation Fellow currently working at QEQM Hospital in Margate. He developed an interest in psychiatry while at medical school, organising Mindfulness workshops and contributing to an anthology on BAME mental health. He is also involved in educating junior doctors on common psychiatric conditions and management. His research interests include delirium, social psychiatry, and medical education.

Ratnu Vaidya - Engagement Lead
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Dr Matthew Twohig, Research Associate 

Junior Doctor, Manchester NHS Trust 


Matthew is currently a RCPsych Foundation Fellow and also completed an MSc in Neuroimaging during his intercalated year at medical school.  His first rotation was in inpatient psychiatry for 8 months after finishing medical school and since moving to general medicine he found that the appreciation of psychological processes and basic psychotherapeutic skills he had learnt were invaluable to providing the best care. He is passionate about medical education and developing ways to more widely impart these skills to health care professionals in order to provide better care.

Deepika Sharma
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Dr Shentong Wang, Research Associate

Junior Doctor, North Tees University Hospital


Shentong has always been interested in psychiatry and started off her medical degree application with a work experience placement in old age psychiatry. Since then, she has sought out placements in child and adolescent, forensic and deaf psychiatry and undertook a placement on a specialist personality disorders unit.  She has previously been involved in music therapy research. 

Will Smith

Dr Megan Buoey, Research Associate

Junior Doctor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals 


Megan is a junior doctor working in Sheffield with the hopes of becoming a psychiatrist in the future. She is part of the RCPsych Foundation Fellowship and is keen to access opportunities and mentorship within the field of mental health.


Dr Godwin Tong, Research Associate

Junior Doctor, Worcestershire NHS Trust 


Godwin is a junior doctor working in Worcestershire with a particular interest in acute psychiatry and psychotherapy.  He is currently a Royal College of Psychiatrists foundation fellow.

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Royal Derby Hospital


DE22 3WQ




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